Our practice offers a wide variety of Cosmetics and Restorative Procedures, as well as general dental care. We strive to offer the latest in dental treatment and technology to our patients.
We see all patients on an appointment basis, and all appointments are confirmed 24 hours in advance. If you cannot make your appointment, please contact us as soon as possible. There is an answering machine to take your message if the office is not open.
Our office also offers 24 hour emergency care. We will work as quickly as possible to respond to any dental problem that may arise. Should you have an emergency, please call the office as early as possible. We set aside for emergency patients, and can usually see you that very day! Call us today to make an appointment. If the office is not open, the message will direct you to Dr. Lampl's 24 hour emergency number.
Save time and fill out our New Patient and HIPPA forms before you come!
For more information on our dental services, please call us at 516-333-0478, e-mail us, or click here.